WorkflowIdReusePolicy question and potentially bug or documentation error

First of all, this pages says The default is AllowDuplicateFailedOnly

But when I print out the default it is “null”
System.out.println("Default option is: " + options.getWorkflowIdReusePolicy());

And the result is I can start workflow execution with the same workflow id. So either it’s a bug or a documentation error

My other question is this: this option is set when the client start the execution and what if the client forgot to properly set it? Should it be defined on the workflow itself so no client can mess it up and for example re run the same successful executions?

It is documentation error. I reported it and we will fix it. The default is AllowDuplicate.

My other question is this: this option is set when the client start the execution and what if the client forgot to properly set it? Should it be defined on the workflow itself so no client can mess it up and for example re run the same successful executions?

This is an interesting idea. Would you file an issue to get this considered as a feature request?