Better monitoring of what workflows are starting

Hey Team,

We haven’t made the switch over to temporal yet (still running Cadence 0.13.0), however I feel this question applies to both projects.

We are seeing some sawtooth CPU consumption within our shared cadence instance each night.

What are ways to properly instrument the cadence golang client to determine which workflows are starting at this time? Reviewing the cadence golang client today, I believe we are missing the specification of MetricsScope so that we can harvest this information from the cadence metrics endpoints.

// NewWorker will start the cadence workers for the current application & taskList
func (c *Cadence) NewWorker(ctx context.Context, appName string, taskList string, options ...WorkerOption) error {
	workerOptions := worker.Options{
		MetricsScope:                   tally.NewTestScope(appName, map[string]string{}),
		BackgroundActivityContext:      ctx,
		NonDeterministicWorkflowPolicy: worker.NonDeterministicWorkflowPolicyFailWorkflow,
	for _, o := range options {

	// will create a logger that is powered by google cloud logging. If unable to create the logger
	// the default logger provided by cadence will be used
	logger, err := newLogger(ctx, appName)
	if logger != nil && err == nil {
		workerOptions.Logger = logger

	// taskList identifies set of client workflows, activities, and workers.
	// It could be your group or client or application name.
	w := worker.New(
	err = w.Start()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	c.workers = append(c.workers, w)
	return nil

Or are we just not harvesting the correct metrics from cadence?

For reference, the DB is a google cloud mysql instance:

Answering my own comment here, make sure to attach a metrics reporter to get this insight:

statter, err := statsd.NewClientWithConfig(&statsd.ClientConfig{
	Address:       "your address",
	Prefix:        "your prefix",
	UseBuffered:   true,
	FlushInterval: 100 * time.Millisecond,
	FlushBytes:    1440,
if err != nil {
	return tally.NoopScope, ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})), err

reporter := tallystatsd.NewReporter(statter, tallystatsd.Options{
	SampleRate: 1.0,

scope, closer := tally.NewRootScope(tally.ScopeOptions{
	Prefix: appName,
	Tags: map[string]string{},
	Reporter:        reporter,
	SanitizeOptions: &sanitizeOptions,
}, time.Second)