Child workflows send a signal to the parent

I need to create multiple child workflows in parent workflow and the parent needs to wait for all of the child workflows to be finished.
Can I send a signal from the child to the parent? Is there any code example in typescript?
What’s the best patern to wait for all of the child workflows to be finished?


You can start them async and wait for their completion, similar to this sample ( await Promise.all )

In my use case I can’t wait for all of them, I need to be able to send data back (quering the parent) if any child has finished.
Is there any way to do this?
Can I send a signal from the child to notify the parent with the result?


Can I send a signal from the child to notify the parent with the result?

Yes, you can get the parent workflow id and runid inside child via:


Can you explain your use case please? Would help with knowing if sending signals from child workflows is best option for it or not.

I can’t wait for all of them

Why not?

The child workflows would process some data like, for example, send some external request but that request can take time, like 5-10 minutes. An example would be: the parent creates four children, child one and two process the data stright away but the rest doesn’t(send some request or wait for some external processing that can take 5 - 10 minutes). I would like to have access to that partial results and that’s why I’d like to notify the parent when a child has finished, so I could update some parent state and query it from outside.


This updates the results state whenever a child finishes, but still waits for all of them to complete before returning:

async function myWorkflow(): Promise<string> {
  let results = [];
  await Promise.all([
    executeChild().then(result => results.push[result]), 
    executeChild().then(result => results.push[result])
  return 'done'

Should be

    executeChild().then(result => results.push(result)), 

The main issue here is that I still need to wait for all of them to get the result.
Could I write some loop or interval checker without getting a non-deterministic error?

The Promise.all resolves when you have all the results

what I need to do is the ability to query the parent while is getting results from children, that’s why promise all won’t work in this case. Is there any pattern that I can use?

The below query will first return [], then [‘firstresult’], then [‘firstresult’, ‘secondresult’].

import { executeChild, defineQuery, setHandler } from '@temporalio/workflow';

const getResults = defineQuery<string[]>('getResults');

async function myWorkflow(): Promise<string> {
  let results: string[] = [];

  setHandler(getResults, () => results);

  await Promise.all([
    executeChild().then(result => results.push(result)), 
    executeChild().then(result => results.push(result))
  return 'done';

Thanks, this was what I was looking for. I’m gonna try to write some complex workflows to see how it works.