Design for coordinator workflow with potentially large history

Hello team,

I discovered Temporal a few months ago and almost instantly started evaluating whether it would fit our use cases. It’s been a great journey so far - definitely seems like it would streamline and simplify a lot of stuff.

Our service is responsible for executing heavyweight processes on virtual machines in the cloud. We have a workflow that represents one process on one machine, but we also have a workflow that represents multiple processes (P) spread across multiple machines (M), where M is less than or equal to P, depending on our business rules for the user. The latter is where a lot of complexity comes from, as we need some sort of coordinator that receives updates and synchronizes state. Since there are lots of optimizations that are done for this “batch” workflow, there are also some additional activities that need to be completed by it - like reusing hardware and so on.

My initial thoughts were that a single-parent workflow would be enough, but I can’t seem to find a good way of implementing it without having to worry about the workflow events history limit of 50000. I saw that there is workflow.ContinueAsNew but it is really inconvenient to use in my current implementation, as I am waiting for completion of only one among multiple futures. My implementation boils down to the following (consider the snippet as pseudocode, some non-important bits to my questions are not shown):

// <workflow setup and additional steps, which are not important to the main flow control>

// We have the following variables prepared:
var (
	selector          workflow.Selector
	availableMachines []string

	schedulePoll bool = true
	finishedJobs      = 0
	jobsIter     JobsIterator // orders the remaining jobs, has standard iterator methods (HasNext, Next)
	cancelLongPoll = func() {}

	err error

for {
	if schedulePoll {
		pollCtx, cancelLongPoll = workflow.WithCancel(/* we add activity options here, too */)
		newMachinesFuture = workflow.ExecuteActivity(pollCtx, /* activity that does long polling for new machines */)
		selector.AddFuture(newMachinesFuture, func (f workflow.Future) {
			var machines []string
			err = f.Get(ctx, &machines)

			availableMachines = append(availableMachines, machines)
			schedulePoll = true
		schedulePoll = false

	if !jobsIter.HasNext() {
		// Doing some machines release, not important to the question
		availableMachines = nil

	for _, machine := range availableMachines {
		if !jobsIter.HasNext() {
		nextJob := jobsIter.Next()

		childFuture := workflow.ExecuteChildWorkflow(/* this is the workflow that starts a heavyweight process on a machine */)
		selector.AddFuture(childFuture, func (f workflow.Future) {
			err = f.Get(ctx, nil)
			// this is executed outside of the loop, during selector.Select
			// it is okay to append
			availableMachines = append(availableMachines, machine)

	// this basically waits for a single child to finish or new machines to appear
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	if jobsIter.TotalLen() == finishedJobs {
		// cancel and wait for the last future to finish

The whole workflow works perfectly in my local environment but I am afraid that we will reach the history limit pretty fast. Is there anything that I can do about it, which would fit rather well in an implementation like this? I hope you can see why ContinueAsNew is rather hard to use here, as there is not a single place where I have awaited all futures. I was thinking that manual or automatic event compaction would be pretty useful (merging multiple history events into one), but that’s probably quite hard to implement on your side.

Also, what are the implications of having more than 50000 history events? I didn’t see it being configurable, so there must be some restrictions on your side.

Also, what are the implications of having more than 50000 history events? I didn’t see it being configurable, so there must be some restrictions on your side.

The recovery time of a workflow gets longer and longer with history size. In some situations, the frontends can run out of memory if history is too large (which should eventually be fixed).

I recommend the following workaround. Do not rely on the childFuture to get notified about the child’s completion (until the issue #680 is implemented) as it doesn’t play nice with continue-as-new. Instead, the children can use a signal to report its completion to the parent by the parent WorkflowID. In this case, the parent can call continue-as-new and still wait for all its children’s completion in the form of signals. Make sure to start the children asynchronously for them to continue executing after the parent’s continue-as-new call.

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Thank you for the input @maxim! I think your suggested workaround might solve my problems. I will give it a go and report back how it went.