Documentation should explain a bit of what gets stored

I was going through the Temporal architecture docs and I noticed there is little mention there of the data schema of Temporal.

Apart from the Workflow lifecycle, more importantly I would prefer to know what gets stored in the Temporal schema with respect to my classes, methods and method parameters. That will aid in understanding how Workflows and Activities are implemented, and the strengths of limitations of Temporal. Learning the intricate Workflow lifecycle without some understanding of the data model is not the best way to demystify Temporal, I think.

Temporal stores the complete state of a workflow execution including local variables. How do you represent a state of a thread blocked on an API call?

I wasn’t aware that it stores local variables also (or perhaps I’d forgotten). I’d assumed it stores only Workflow/Activity method parameters, but now I see your point. Is there a place in the docs which expands on what you have replied in your comment? I finished Temporal 101 Java and didn’t find this mentioned in that course (unless I missed it).

It stores on the db only inputs and outputs of workflows and activities. But from the developer point of view everything is stored.