In Go SDK, how to list workflows and filter it using workflowName

How do I list all workflows that matches a workflowName or workflowId ?
While ListOpenWorkflow and ListClosedWorkflow accepts request filters , ListWorkflow only accepts query which I assume only work if one is using ElasticSearch as backend.

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The following works for me:

	c, err := client.NewClient(client.Options{})
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalln("Unable to create client", err)
	defer c.Close()
	r, err := c.ListOpenWorkflow(context.Background(), &workflowservice.ListOpenWorkflowExecutionsRequest{
		Namespace: "default",
		Filters: &workflowservice.ListOpenWorkflowExecutionsRequest_TypeFilter{
			TypeFilter: &filter.WorkflowTypeFilter{
				Name: "GreetingWorkflow",

Thanks Maxim for the reply. Will ListOpenWorkflowExecutionsRequest also list closed/completed/terminated/failed workflows? I was wondering if there is a request I can make to fetch all workflows matching a workflowName regardless of it’s state.

Not without ES. You’ll have to make two API calls now. One for closed and one for open.

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If you are running with ElasticSearch on backend then you can use ListWorkflowExecution API with SQL like syntax to provide the filter for your search query. Here are few examples:

List Open Workflow Executions:

./tctl wf list --query "ExecutionStatus=1"                                                                                                                                                                             
       WORKFLOW TYPE       |                      WORKFLOW ID                       |                RUN ID                |    TASK QUEUE     | START TIME | EXECUTION TIME | END TIME
  SearchAttributesWorkflow | search_attributes_c9b30359-f4d1-4c40-9bb9-b6929c48e115 | aacdb1e7-ce92-4e6b-9da9-6db8e7c47d8e | search-attributes | 17:30:25   | 17:30:25       | 00:00:00

List all workflow executions for a specific workflow type:

./tctl wf list --query "WorkflowType='SearchAttributesWorkflow'"                                                                                                                                                       
       WORKFLOW TYPE       |                      WORKFLOW ID                       |                RUN ID                |    TASK QUEUE     | START TIME | EXECUTION TIME | END TIME
  SearchAttributesWorkflow | search_attributes_c9b30359-f4d1-4c40-9bb9-b6929c48e115 | aacdb1e7-ce92-4e6b-9da9-6db8e7c47d8e | search-attributes | 17:30:25   | 17:30:25       | 00:00:00
  SearchAttributesWorkflow | search_attributes_21b27b32-79b6-4a34-950f-ca7a52b0fed9 | 43f4e415-9f00-42c1-8e44-265c42057609 | search-attributes | 17:30:17   | 17:30:17       | 17:30:19
  SearchAttributesWorkflow | search_attributes_5385f67d-e9ee-4531-a187-1c6076b1230e | 3daa6cbd-4bd2-4988-b6f4-5ff8832841ec | search-attributes | 17:16:49   | 17:16:49       | 17:16:51
  SearchAttributesWorkflow | search_attributes_af287adf-00c3-4ef6-909b-82b748755e46 | e419a291-6b37-4f5e-a50d-477e20b33b59 | search-attributes | 16:54:06   | 16:54:06       | 17:16:31

List workflow execution with specific type and Id:

./tctl wf list --query "WorkflowType='SearchAttributesWorkflow' and WorkflowId='search_attributes_c9b30359-f4d1-4c40-9bb9-b6929c48e115'"                                                                             
       WORKFLOW TYPE       |                      WORKFLOW ID                       |                RUN ID                |    TASK QUEUE     | START TIME | EXECUTION TIME | END TIME
  SearchAttributesWorkflow | search_attributes_c9b30359-f4d1-4c40-9bb9-b6929c48e115 | aacdb1e7-ce92-4e6b-9da9-6db8e7c47d8e | search-attributes | 17:30:25   | 17:30:25       | 00:00:00

If your workflow also provides own searchable attributes like below:

        // update search attributes again. 
	attributes = map[string]interface{}{
		"CustomKeywordField": "Update2",
	_ = workflow.UpsertSearchAttributes(ctx, attributes)

Then you can also provide it as part of filter:

./tctl wf list --query "CustomKeywordField='Update2'" -psa                                                                                                                                                             
       WORKFLOW TYPE       |                      WORKFLOW ID                       |                RUN ID                |    TASK QUEUE     | START TIME | EXECUTION TIME | END TIME |                 SEARCH ATTRIBUTES
  SearchAttributesWorkflow | search_attributes_c9b30359-f4d1-4c40-9bb9-b6929c48e115 | aacdb1e7-ce92-4e6b-9da9-6db8e7c47d8e | search-attributes | 17:30:25   | 17:30:25       | 00:00:00 | CustomKeywordField=Update2
                           |                                                        |                                      |                   |            |                |          | CustomIntField=2 CustomDoubleField=3.14
                           |                                                        |                                      |                   |            |                |          | CustomDatetimeField=2019-01-01T00:00:00-08:00
                           |                                                        |                                      |                   |            |                |          | CustomBoolField=true
                           |                                                        |                                      |                   |            |                |          | BinaryChecksums=[db94f4ab9a400098331706e5f5f6bd58]
                           |                                                        |                                      |                   |            |                |          | CustomStringField=String field is for text. When
                           |                                                        |                                      |                   |            |                |          | query, it will be tokenized for partial match.
                           |                                                        |                                      |                   |            |                |          | StringTypeField cannot be used in Order By
  SearchAttributesWorkflow | search_attributes_21b27b32-79b6-4a34-950f-ca7a52b0fed9 | 43f4e415-9f00-42c1-8e44-265c42057609 | search-attributes | 17:30:17   | 17:30:17       | 17:30:19 | CustomDatetimeField=2019-01-01T00:00:00-08:00
                           |                                                        |                                      |                   |            |                |          | CustomBoolField=true
                           |                                                        |                                      |                   |            |                |          | BinaryChecksums=[db94f4ab9a400098331706e5f5f6bd58]
                           |                                                        |                                      |                   |            |                |          | CustomStringField=String field is for text.
                           |                                                        |                                      |                   |            |                |          | When query, it will be tokenized for partial
                           |                                                        |                                      |                   |            |                |          | match. StringTypeField cannot be used in Order
                           |                                                        |                                      |                   |            |                |          | By CustomKeywordField=Update2 CustomIntField=2
                           |                                                        |                                      |                   |            |                |          | CustomDoubleField=3.14
  SearchAttributesWorkflow | search_attributes_5385f67d-e9ee-4531-a187-1c6076b1230e | 3daa6cbd-4bd2-4988-b6f4-5ff8832841ec | search-attributes | 17:16:49   | 17:16:49       | 17:16:51 | BinaryChecksums=[db94f4ab9a400098331706e5f5f6bd58]
                           |                                                        |                                      |                   |            |                |          | CustomStringField=String field is for
                           |                                                        |                                      |                   |            |                |          | text. When query, it will be tokenized for
                           |                                                        |                                      |                   |            |                |          | partial match. StringTypeField cannot be
                           |                                                        |                                      |                   |            |                |          | used in Order By CustomKeywordField=Update2
                           |                                                        |                                      |                   |            |                |          | CustomIntField=2 CustomDoubleField=3.14
                           |                                                        |                                      |                   |            |                |          | CustomDatetimeField=2019-01-01T00:00:00-08:00
                           |                                                        |                                      |                   |            |                |          | CustomBoolField=true
  SearchAttributesWorkflow | search_attributes_af287adf-00c3-4ef6-909b-82b748755e46 | e419a291-6b37-4f5e-a50d-477e20b33b59 | search-attributes | 16:54:06   | 16:54:06       | 17:16:31 | BinaryChecksums=[db94f4ab9a400098331706e5f5f6bd58]
                           |                                                        |                                      |                   |            |                |          | CustomStringField=String field is for
                           |                                                        |                                      |                   |            |                |          | text. When query, it will be tokenized for
                           |                                                        |                                      |                   |            |                |          | partial match. StringTypeField cannot be
                           |                                                        |                                      |                   |            |                |          | used in Order By CustomKeywordField=Update2
                           |                                                        |                                      |                   |            |                |          | CustomIntField=2 CustomDoubleField=3.14
                           |                                                        |                                      |                   |            |                |          | CustomDatetimeField=2019-01-01T00:00:00-08:00
                           |                                                        |                                      |                   |            |                |          | CustomBoolField=true
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How would you specify multiple Workflow Types to filter by? Or would that have to be separate request?