Integration with Spring and self registration of workflows and activities

Here’s the beginnings of my Spring configuration (below).

I take an @Autowired(required=false) dependency on the TemporalConnection class in my Spring AppRunner class in order to initialize the temporal instance with the namespace, etc.

My controller takes a dependency on the WorkflowClient, which is auto-wired with the bean declared in the configuration.

I’ve had the same question about how to better plug into the Spring framework for auto-discovery of workflows and activities. While I haven’t attempted it yet, my guess is the implementation will involve a mix of declaring @Beans for the activity and workflow stubs and using the Spring API for finding all beans that implement the relevant interfaces (or maybe that have a custom annotation like @TemporalActivity or @TemporalWorkflowImplementation).

So, while this doesn’t solve all of your wish list, it’s a start. If I do end up building something fancier, I’ll share it.

public class TemporalConfig {
    public static final String ACTIVITY_QUEUE = "activities";
    public static final String WORKFLOW_QUEUE = "workflows";

    private String serviceAddress;

    private String namespace;

    public WorkerFactory workerFactory(WorkflowClient workflowClient) {
        return WorkerFactory.newInstance(workflowClient);

    public WorkflowClient workflowClient(WorkflowServiceStubs workflowServiceStubs) {
        return WorkflowClient.newInstance(

    public WorkflowServiceStubs workflowServiceStubs() {
        return WorkflowServiceStubs.newInstance(WorkflowServiceStubsOptions.newBuilder().setTarget(serviceAddress).build());

    public static class TemporalConnection {
        private String namespace;

        private int workflowRetentionDays;

        private final WorkflowServiceStubs service;
        private final WorkerFactory factory;

        public TemporalConnection(
                WorkflowServiceStubs workflowServiceStubs,
                WorkerFactory factory
        ) {
            this.factory = factory;
            this.service = workflowServiceStubs;

        public void init() {
  "Temporal connection initialized");

        private void startWorkers() {
            Worker workflowWorker = factory.newWorker(WORKFLOW_QUEUE);

            Worker activityWorker = factory.newWorker(ACTIVITY_QUEUE);
            activityWorker.registerActivitiesImplementations(new HelloActivityImpl("Hello"));


        private void initNamespace() {
            Duration retention = Duration.newBuilder().setSeconds(60 * 60 * 24 * 7L).build();
            boolean connected = false;
            int counter = 0;
            while (!connected && counter < 600) { // ~20 minutes max
                try {
          "Registering namespace \"{}\" with a retention period of {} days",
                    RegisterNamespaceRequest request =
                    RegisterNamespaceResponse response = service.blockingStub().registerNamespace(request);

                    connected = response.isInitialized();
                    if (!response.isInitialized()) {

                } catch (StatusRuntimeException ex) {
                    if (ex.getStatus().getCode() == Status.ALREADY_EXISTS.getCode()) { // Need to compare codes for successful equality
              "Domain \"{}\" already exists", namespace);
                        UpdateNamespaceRequest request = UpdateNamespaceRequest.newBuilder()
                        UpdateNamespaceResponse response = service.blockingStub().updateNamespace(request);
                        connected = response.isInitialized();
                    } else {
                        log.error("Cannot connect to Temporal service.  Waiting for 2 seconds...", ex);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    log.error("Cannot connect to Temporal service.  Waiting for 2 seconds...", e);

The controller:

public class HelloController {

    private final WorkflowClient workflowClient;

    public HelloController(WorkflowClient workflowClient) {this.workflowClient = workflowClient;}

    @ApiOperation(value = "Ask the server to say something to you", nickname = "hello")
    public Map<String, String> message(@ApiParam @RequestParam String name) {

        HelloWorld helloWorld = workflowClient.newWorkflowStub(

        String message = helloWorld.tssWorkflow(name);

        Map<String, String> status = new HashMap<>();
        status.put("message", message);
        return status;
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