I want to work with a development Temporal server running on my desktop. When I download the tarred binary executable from here I can unpack it and run it and it starts immediately and works with the web UI and everything without any problem.
Is there a docker image that behaves the same way? I looked here and the first thing I notice is that I must choose what database to use, which I don’t even have to think about with the linux binary version, and then when I try to run some of these with docker compose
they take minutes and minutes to get going and then ultimately fail.
Is there a docker image that just runs the working binary?
I tried making one using this Dockerfile:
FROM alpine:latest
ARG TARFILE=temporal_cli_latest_linux_amd64.tar.gz
RUN wget 'https://temporal.download/cli/archive/latest?platform=linux&arch=amd64' -O $TARFILE
RUN mv temporal /usr/local/bin
EXPOSE 7233 8233 34897
CMD ["temporal", "server", "start-dev"]
When I run it, strangely the only output I see is:
Server: localhost:7233
UI: http://localhost:8233
Metrics: http://localhost:37059/metrics
rather than all the output I get when I run the linux binary.
The command I ran is docker run -p 8233:8233 -p 7233:7233 -p 34897:34897 myimage
but my web browser finds nothing on my local port 8233.
Is there an existing docker image that is just a containerized version of the published linux binary? If not, is there I way I can change my Dockerfile or run command to have a container that behaves the same as the linux binary? Thanks!