We are evaluating temporal for new services architecture.
We need create a synchronous API with low latency (less than 500ms end to end). The API needs to orchestrate 30+ downstream services each with a latency of approximately 200-300 ms. We do not necessary need to keep state of each request or resume from failure.
Is temporal good fit for this kind of web service ?
Do we have any data around latency of temporal orchestration itself (Without task execution time)
Any data around temporal at large scale (We have around 20K queries per second) ?
Is temporal good fit for this kind of web service ?
We do not necessary need to keep state of each request or resume from failure.
The main value of Temporal is the resiliency of stateful orchestrations. So if you don’t care about the state and don’t need to resume in case of failure there is no reason to use Temporal.
Do we have any data around latency of temporal orchestration itself (Without task execution time)
It depends on many factors. But every state transition is recorded in a DB. So latencies between steps is in at least tens of milliseconds.
Any data around temporal at large scale (We have around 20K queries per second) ?
Such rates are possible. But they would require a pretty large DB cluster. So for the use case that doesn’t benefit from resiliency guarantees, it would be overkill.