I’m trying to emit temporal metrics from our Kubernetes deployment to Datadog and followed the same approach that was done for cadence by adding the following to the annotations:
ad.datadoghq.com/temporal-frontend.check_names: ‘[“openmetrics”]’
ad.datadoghq.com/temporal-frontend.init_configs: ‘[{“skip_proxy”:true}]’
ad.datadoghq.com/temporal-frontend.instances: ‘[{“prometheus_url”: “http://%%host%%:9090/metrics”,“namespace”: “temporal”,“metrics”: [“workflow*”,“temporal_requests*”,“fail*”,“complete*”,“schedule*”]}]’
However, there are a lot of metrics missing in temporal that are available in cadence. For example, there is no temporal.worflow_failed as there is a cadence.workflow_failed and I see it in the code below.
Temporal Metrics: temporal/defs.go at master · temporalio/temporal · GitHub
Any ideas about this?