New Workshop - "Understanding and debugging event histories"

Hi, wanted to announce the upcoming “Understanding and debugging event histories”
workshop taking place Jan 19th at noon EST.

You can register here if you are interested. Please share this with your co-workers and friends you think might be interested to attend.

In the past we have typically done workshops around a particular SDK. This workshop applies for all SDKs and its focus is on looking at workflow event histories to learn how to use them as another debugging tool in your toolbox.
This is a 100% hands-on workshop and I think will be pretty useful for everyone using Temporal.

Hope to see you there and bring lots of questions :partying_face:

Registration link, doesn’t work. I’m authorized to do it through Google

Registration link, doesn’t work. I’m authorized to do it through Google

Can you give me more info? There should be no login required to register, is there an error message you are seeing? Thanks.

Here is link again just in case

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Hi Tihomir,

Will this workshop be recorded? I’m in Sydney and unfortunately the time zone difference means the workshop starts at 4am my time.


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