Running Temporal Server in Jenkins pipeline


Can I run Temporal Server in Jenkins pipeline?

Actually I have 2 services. lets say service A and service B.

I want that service A and service B will run a worker with taskQueue=‘test’ and the Service B will call a workflow that exists in Service A.

For that I need Temporal Server running in order to register both workers and workflow.

All of that should be inside Jenkins pipeline as part of E2E test before pushing the images to some registry.

Is that possible? is there anyway to do E2E tests using different images that connecting to some Temporal Cluster that isn’t externally. I want to terminate this cluster at the end of the test.

It should be possible to start temporal service in a docker container in your pipeline. Another option you might want to look at is temporalite. I don’t know much about networking within the pipeline but your worker processes should be able to connect to service in either scenario.

Thanks for the answer.

I’m trying to use Temporalite as you recommended.

After I build and run it using the Dockerfile inside the temporalite project, I can’t connect the Tctl.

I’m using dind (Docker in Docker) image, so I have a container that run 2 containers:
temporalite and my service. I want to use tctl to call a workflow in my service…

After I build and run it using the Dockerfile inside the temporalite project, I can’t connect the Tctl.

think you need to bundle tctl with your image so you can use it. could add it to your docker file, see example here.
alternatively deploy the admintools image that already has it, see here

Ok will do it, thanks a lot.