Running Temporal services independently though docker run throws error: "unable to bootstrap ringpop"

I am trying to run temporal server by launching each services independently in the following order: history → matching → frontend → worker by the below command and changing only the variable: SERVICES - (worker,history,matching,frontend)

docker run   -e TEMPORAL_BROADCAST_ADDRESS=localhost -e SERVICES=matching -e BIND_ON_IP= -e CASSANDRA_SEEDS=host.docker.internal -e CASSANDRA_USER=cassandra -e CASSANDRA_PASSWORD=cassandra -e CASSANDRA_PORT=9042 -e KEYSPACE=temporal  -e VISIBILITY_KEYSPACE=temporal_visibility   -e NUM_HISTORY_SHARDS=512  -e LOG_LEVEL=error  -e ENABLE_ES=true -e ES_SEEDS=<es-host> temporalio/server:latest

I am getting below error:

level":"error","ts":"2023-04-03T09:16:24.536Z","msg":"unable to bootstrap ringpop. retrying",
"service":"matching","error":"join duration of 42.528526009s exceeded max 30s",

Can someone please tell me what is wrong with this command? Am I missing any configuration.

@ridwan.santoso If you have solved it already, please provide some hints.

This issue is resolved now. Remove env variable TEMPORAL_BROADCAST_ADDRESS=localhost.