Strange UI bug for advanced query

Checked the requests. The one worked is:

The one did not work is: /api/namespaces/default/workflows/list?startTime=2020-12-20T08%3A00%3A00.000Z&endTime=2020-12-24T07%3A59%3A59.999Z&queryString=WorkflowType%20%3D%20%22NonExisting%22

So when “All” it uses “list” and does not work

All which uses list requires ElasticSearch to work. We have a work item to disable it in UI when ES is not configured.

Oh, but I do have ElasticSearch configured. I probably made some configuration mistake. I modified the helm chart project in order to add search attribute index for searching workflow

How do I test if ElasticSearch is working properly or not for Temporal? Thank you very much!

I’m pretty sure my ElasticSearch is good. I tried curl and it returns properly. How can I find out why the UI is not calling ElasticSearch or why it thinks ElasticSearch is broken? Thank you

➜  helm-charts git:(master) ✗ kubectl exec -it services/temporal-frontend /bin/bash
kubectl exec [POD] [COMMAND] is DEPRECATED and will be removed in a future version. Use kubectl exec [POD] -- [COMMAND] instead.

bash-5.0# curl -X GET "http://elasticsearch-master:9200/temporal-visibility-dev/_search"


Hello, how can I check if Temporal thinks the ES is properly configured and using it to query workflows? How to make sure the UI and cli is querying workflows from ES?

Thank you very much!

Hi Gordon, sorry for late reply (holidays time, you know).

I think your ES is configured properly and is used for read operations. If it is not enabled, you will something like this:

I was able to reproduce it and can confirm that advanced query doesn’t work when “All” status selected. I filed a bug for it. For now, I would recommend you to select either “Open” or “Close” before switching to “Advance” mode.

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Thank you @alex. Could you post the bug link here?