I had some queries regarding the production deployment of Temporal.
- We want to deploy Temporal in Kubernetes. Can we use the Helm Chart from GitHub - temporalio/helm-charts: Temporal Helm charts? What changes are required in this since the Temporal documentation says it is not recommended to use this Helm Chart for production deployments?
- The new version of Temporal doesn’t have any dependency on Kafka and Zookeeper. What parameters should I use while installing the Helm Chart to remove this dependency?
- If we use Kafka for the Visibility feature, do we need to write any consumer to move data from Kafka to ElasticSearch?
- We are expecting 100 workflows (including the child workflows) per second in production. What is the recommended number of shards we should use to support this? How do we specify the shard number while installing the Helm Chart?
- How many instances of different Temporal servers (History, Matching, Worker, Frontend) should be used to support this workload?