Tracing output not joined correctly when using OpenTelemetry with Jaeger

Hi Everyone, I am trying to use Temporal Tracing with opentelemetry. To try this out, I downloaded the samples and ran them to see what output I see. Looks like when I use OpenTelemetry, I don’t get the correct output but OpenTracing works just fine.

Does anyone know if I am missing some configuration that causes this behavior or there is an underlying issue. More details of my repro below.

Using sample from: samples-java/core/src/main/java/io/temporal/samples/tracing at main · temporalio/samples-java · GitHub

Executing command (for opentelemetry): ./gradlew -q execute -PmainClass=io.temporal.samples.opentracing.Starter

Actual output in Jaeger UI when using OpenTelemetry :

temporal-sample-opentelemetry: SignalWithStartWorkflow:TracingWorkflow
temporal-sample-opentelemetry: HandleSignal:setLanguage
        temporal-sample-opentelemetry: RunWorkflow:TracingWorkflow
            temporal-sample-opentelemetry: StartChildWorkflow:TracingChildWorkflow

Expected output (opentracing works correctly and produces below trace):

temporal-sample-opentelemetry: SignalWithStartWorkflow:TracingWorkflow
temporal-sample-opentelemetry: HandleSignal:setLanguage
        temporal-sample-opentelemetry: RunWorkflow:TracingWorkflow
            temporal-sample-opentelemetry: StartChildWorkflow:TracingChildWorkflow
                temporal-sample-opentelemetry: RunWorkflow:TracingChildWorkflow
                     temporal-sample-opentelemetry: StartActivity:Greet
                           temporal-sample-opentelemetry: RunActivity:Greet

Thanks in advance for help.

Nvmd I can’t repro this issue. Only difference is, while playing with this code, I was generating traces for OpenTracing and OpenTelemetry at the same time to send to different backend. When I switch back to single backend at a time, things work as I expect it to.

Glad you were able to figure it out!