OpenTeletry Integration with Temporal SDK

Hi everyone,
We have a system with many microservice (Java), a simple example as below:
orchestrator (client sdk) calling → Temporal Server → adapter (worker sdk)

We have attached the OpenTelemetry agent to each service for tracing, but it seems the trace header is removed when passing through Temporal Server, so we cannot see a full workflow of a request.

Any suggestions? Thank everyone.

See samples-java/core/src/main/java/io/temporal/samples/tracing at main · temporalio/samples-java · GitHub

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Thank Maxim, I will check the link.

Hi @Trong_Bao_Le
Were you able to get the issue resolved? I am facing similar issue where trace context is lost on entering the workflowMethod and opentelemetry is creating a new trace everytime. I am using springboot and this happens only if i use opentelemetry (i am adding it on opentelemetry jar at app startup as a javaagent). Any pointers?