Error: unable to add search attributes: Failed to add search attributes to store mysql8: Unable to create search attributes: cannot have more than 3 search attribute of type Int.
(‘export TEMPORAL_CLI_SHOW_STACKS=1’ to see stack traces)
Any hints on what I can do about this? Is there a variable that can be adjusted? I have one temporal cluster that has advanced visibility on elasticsearch and works fine. But my local one running on mysql8 has this problem
Thanks! There is one built in out of the box, CustomIntField. I deleted it and was able to add my third so that solved the problem for me. Temporal does try to add it back on boot and prints a failure to add warning, but so far no side side effects.
For folks who need more than three, the value looks to be a hard coded array and not a limit controlled by a flag for mysql advanced visibility.
There is one built in out of the box, CustomIntField
Assume you use the auto-setup server image then which has this script as entry-point that adds it.
You could create a custom autossetup script which does not call add_custom_search_attributes and then overwrite your entry point for the autosetup image if you wanted, just fyi