Update Namespace Archival info with service library

I have a namespace with archival disabled.

I want to update the namespace and enable archival and set archival URIs using the service library.
I don’t want to use TCTL command.

I know we can enable archival at the time of namespace registration itself. As shown below.
Can I do something on the same lines for an existing namespace.
I checked UpdateNamespaceRequest, but doesn’t seem to have archival fields.

Service Client Version : 1.7.1


You can use UpdateNamespaceRequest, archival values are exposed via NamespaceConfig. For example:

public static void enableNamespaceArchival(String namespace, String historyArchivalURI, String visibilityArchivalURI) {
        UpdateNamespaceResponse res = client.getWorkflowServiceStubs().blockingStub().updateNamespace(

You an use same to disable archival for a namespace as well.