Whats optimal settings for quick xdc replication? what metrics can one track?

Thanks for all the help @yux

Finally, we figured out that ther was no issue with the configurations.

It appears that most of my workflows keeps sleeping/waiting for an event.
and By design temporal do not replicate sleeping workflows… So one way of force replicating is to send a fake signal to all open workflows . This forces the replication to happen immediately.

I use a shell script in tctl to figure out all open workflow and send them a signal.

Please beware this is just a one time activity… any newly created workflow and any workflow which gets a signal in due course go get replicated on their own

Here is the shell script i use

#remove the command file to send signals (from previous run)
rm -rf force_replicate.sh

#create a  fresh command file with all open workflows -> generates  approproate  tctl command to send fake singals to workflows
tctl -ns mynamespace wf la --op  | awk '{$1="echo -n \"" ; $2=" --> \"  ;tctl -ns \"mynamespace\" wf s  --name fakesignal --wid ";print $1 $3 $2 $3}' |awk 'NR>1' > force_replicate.sh

# prove execute permission
chmod +x force_replicate.sh

# send  fake signals now..