XDC Limitations and Tradeoffs

I’m planning to run two Temporal clusters, each in a different AWS regions, and I’m looking into XDC replication. The use case is long-running workflows which will occasionally be signaled and need to run a time-sensitive task. Without any sort of failover, if the cluster running the workflow is down, the tasks may not be executed on time.

I’ve read through the docs (Multi-cluster Replication | Temporal Documentation), but I don’t think I fully understand the limitations and tradeoffs that come with using an XDC setup. Can y’all help me answer these questions?

  1. Is there a recommended solution for this use case other than XDC replication?
  2. The docs specify “… replicates Workflow Executions from active cluster to other passive clusters.” Can Temporal XDC support an active-active deployment, where if one active cluster goes down, all of the workflows on the “down cluster” could failover and resume in the other cluster?
  3. The docs specify “data across clusters is not strongly consistent.” I imagine this means workflow tasks would be run at-least-once, instead of at-most-once. What are other symptoms of this eventual consistency (other than the version and execution history conflicts, which Temporal seems to resolve on its own)?

Thanks in advance!