Workflow associated with a schedule not getting triggered

Hi Team,

need some help in debugging one issue where workflow is not getting triggered after some time.
I am creating a schedule like below:

_, err := (*c).ScheduleClient().Create(ctx, client.ScheduleOptions{
		ID:   request.ScheduleId,
		Spec: client.ScheduleSpec{
				StartAt: time.Now().Add(2 * time.Minute),
				EndAt:   time.Now().Add(10 * time.Hour),
		Action: &client.ScheduleWorkflowAction{
			ID:                       request.WorkflowId,
			Workflow:                 request.WorkflowFunc,
			Args:                     request.WorkflowArgs,
			TaskQueue:                request.TaskQueue,
			WorkflowExecutionTimeout: 3 * time.Minute,
			WorkflowRunTimeout:       3 * time.Minute,
			WorkflowTaskTimeout:      3 * time.Minute,

its working fine if I manually trigger the schedule using CLI but not executing workflow automatically after 2 mins
Also even if I trigger it manually, schedule is still showing in RUNNING state even after activity execution is completed, any specific reason behind this ?
Please let me know if I am missing anything cc: @maxim