Workflow or activity randomly not found

I created a simple Grpc Go application that triggers and registers a workflow and a go service that registers an activity for that workflow. Somehow, it randomly fail the workflow due to errors like:

  • unable to find workflow type: SingUpWorkflow. Supported types: [] in the activity worker
  • unable to find activityType=createCompanyActivity. Supported types: [] in the workflow worker

I am not sure to fully understand what this is happening and how to resolve this

I have Temporal (version 1.22.4) running and deployed via HelmChat.
The SDK version are v1.24.0 v1.25.1

The grpc workflow service:
I can create a client and register the workflow (main):

tempo, err := client.Dial(client.Options{
  HostPort:  "temporal-frontend.event:7233",
  Namespace: "default",
if err != nil {
  l.Fatal(ctx, err.Error())

// grpc service that will trigger the workflow
srv := newGrpcCloudApi(tempo)
if err != nil {
  l.Fatal(ctx, err.Error())

w := worker.New(tempo, "account-signup", worker.Options{})
err = w.Start()
if err != nil {
  l.Fatal(ctx, err.Error())

My workflow:

func SingUpWorkflow(ctx workflow.Context, request SignUpRequest) (string, error) {

	retrypolicy := &temporal.RetryPolicy{
		MaximumAttempts: 1,

	options := workflow.ActivityOptions{
		TaskQueue:           "account-signup",
		StartToCloseTimeout: 5 * time.Second,
		RetryPolicy:         retrypolicy,

	ctx = workflow.WithActivityOptions(ctx, options)

	createCompanyReq := pbCompany.CreateCompanyRequest{Name: request.Name}
	createCompanyResp := pbCompany.CreateCompanyResponse{}
	err := workflow.ExecuteActivity(ctx, "createCompanyActivity", &createCompanyReq).Get(ctx, &createCompanyResp)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	return createCompanyResp.Name, nil

Grpc Function for triggering the workflow

func (g *grpcCloudAPI) Signup(ctx context.Context, request *pb.SignupRequest) (*pb.SignupResponse, error) {

options := client.StartWorkflowOptions{
  ID:                       fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", "account-signup", id.New()),
  TaskQueue:                "account-signup",
  WorkflowExecutionTimeout: 20 * time.Second,

signup := SignUpRequest{
  Name:     request.Name,

we, err := g.workflowClient.ExecuteWorkflow(ctx, options, SingUpWorkflow, signup)
if err != nil {
  return nil, err

response := ""
err = we.Get(ctx, &response)
if err != nil {
	return nil, err

return &pb.SignupResponse{
  Name:      response,
  }, nil

The activity service

tempo, err := client.Dial(client.Options{
  HostPort:  "temporal-frontend.event:7233",
  Namespace: "default",
if err != nil {
  l.Fatal(ctx, err.Error())

worker := newWorker(tempo)
err = worker.Start()
  if err != nil {
  l.Fatal(ctx, err.Error())
defer worker.Stop()


type temporalWorker struct {
	w   worker.Worker

func newWorker(client client.Client) *temporalWorker {
	w := worker.New(client, "account-signup", worker.Options{})
	return &temporalWorker{
		w:   w,

func (wt *temporalWorker) Start() error {

	// register all activities
	return wt.w.Start()

func (wt *temporalWorker) Stop() {

func (wt *temporalWorker) createCompanyActivity(ctx context.Context, request *pb.CreateCompanyRequest) (*pb.CreateCompanyResponse, error) {

	return &pb.CreateCompanyResponse{
		Id:   "ABC",
		Name: "ABC",
	}, nil


You have two processes that listen on the same task queue name, but each process supports only workflow or activity. Temporal delivers tasks to all processes that listen to a given task queue. So, the process that hosts workflow only can receive activity tasks, and the process that hosts only activities receives workflow tasks. The solution is to use different task queue names for different types of processes.

Change your activity worker to listen on “account-signup-activities” and specify this task queue name in activity.Options used to invoke activities inside the workflow.

Hi Maxim,

I see my mistake now, thank you sooo much for your kind reply!

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