WorkflowEnvironment.start_time_skipping() results in "Failed starting test server..."

yo yo!

I don’t know how to move forward with this error I’m getting while running a Workflow’s TestCase with pytest. I’m using Python3.11 (same results with Python3.10), temporalio==1.3.0, and the latest temporalio/auto-setup.

tevo_tbd_axs_repo_app_dev  | FAILED [100%] (UpdateListingsWorkflowTestCase.test_listings_workflow_simple)
self = <tests.workflows.managelistings.test_update_listings_workflow.UpdateListingsWorkflowTestCase testMethod=test_listings_workflow_simple>

    async def test_listings_workflow_simple(self):
        """Test for UpdateListingsWorkflow"""
        offer_id = '12345'
        item_ids = [1234, 1235]
        result = {'item_ids': [1234, 1235], 'result': '2 tickets updated'}
        async def update_listings(offer_id: str, item_ids: List[int]) -> List[int]:
            return [1234, 1235]
        activities = [
>       async with await WorkflowEnvironment.start_time_skipping() as env: 
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/temporalio/testing/ in start_time_skipping
    server = await temporalio.bridge.testing.EphemeralServer.start_test_server(
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

runtime = <temporalio.bridge.runtime.Runtime object at 0xffff9d82a310>
config = TestServerConfig(existing_path=None, sdk_name='sdk-python', sdk_version='1.3.0', download_version='default', download_dest_dir=None, port=None, extra_args=[])

    async def start_test_server(
        runtime: temporalio.bridge.runtime.Runtime, config: TestServerConfig
    ) -> EphemeralServer:
        """Start a test server instance."""
        return EphemeralServer(
>           await temporalio.bridge.temporal_sdk_bridge.start_test_server(
                runtime._ref, config
E       RuntimeError: Failed starting test server: error decoding response body: expected value at line 1 column 1

/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/temporalio/bridge/ RuntimeError

I don’t see how we’ve botched this test. I get this error on my local dev machine (M1 macbook pro) and in our kubernetes testing & staging environments.

FWIW, this is the full failing test:

import datetime
import unittest

from temporalio import activity
from temporalio.client import WorkflowFailureError
from temporalio.testing import WorkflowEnvironment
from temporalio.worker import Worker

from app.workflows.managelistings.update_listings_workflow import UpdateListingsWorkflow

class UpdateListingsWorkflowTestCase(unittest.IsolatedAsyncioTestCase):

    async def test_listings_workflow_simple(self):
        """Test for UpdateListingsWorkflow"""
        offer_id = '12345'
        item_ids = [1234, 1235]
        result = {'item_ids': [1234, 1235], 'result': '2 tickets updated'}

        async def update_listings(_: str, __: list[int]) -> list[int]:
            return [1234, 1235]

        activities = [

        async with await WorkflowEnvironment.start_time_skipping() as env:
            async with Worker(
                workflow_params = {'offer_id': offer_id, 'item_ids': item_ids}
                if result == 'fail':
                    with self.assertRaises(WorkflowFailureError) as wfe:
                        await env.client.execute_workflow(
                    self.assertEqual('Workflow execution failed', wfe.exception.args[0])
                    response = await env.client.execute_workflow(
                    self.assertEqual(result, response)

Are there values I can pass to test_server_extra_args that would cause more verbose output from the test server binary? I’m sure these are documented somewhere but I haven’t found them yet. Any other suggested solutions (or things to look into) would be very appreciated.

I have seen this when the lazy downloader HTTP URL fails. We use a CDN server that gives the URL for us to download the proper JSON. In this case, it’s trying to visit which may have been failing at the time (it then uses that URL to try to download from GitHub releases). Can you retry? Worst case scenario, you can download a version of the test server from our Java releases area and set the test_server_existing_path to point to the extracted executable.

This is failing on the download step I think before it even starts the test server

Thanks for he info! After retrying, I get the same result.

I’m a little surprised at ...platform=darwin&arch=arm64.... My dev machine is an M1 macbook pro, however the run environment (locally) is a Linux docker container with uname -m returning aarch64. I don’t know what our testing and staging envs are running but presumably x86-based. Also interesting is the response:

	"archiveUrl": "",
	"fileToExtract": "temporal-test-server_1.17.0_macOS_amd64/temporal-test-server"

I assume (haven’t checked) this would work if my macbook were my runtime environment, but is this request+payload expected for an aarch64 Linux setup?

Tomorrow morning I’ll try something like the “worst case scenario” you described. Thanks again for the help, I (obviously) wasn’t getting anywhere on my own (@unittest.skip ftw!).

We don’t have an arm build for the test server, so no, aarch64/arm64 Linux will not work with our test server currently. This is likely the error you are running into, 404’s. For M1 mac, many run tests locally so the max-intel translation layer will work w/ x86/amd64 binaries. But if you’re running docker which has arm Linux, our test server won’t work. See this issue (and this one).

I have an issue open to document this better, and I have just opened an issue to make this error clearer.