I am trying to host temporal on minikube and did everything according to docker-compose/KUBERNETES.md at main · temporalio/docker-compose · GitHub but to run worker in my local I need to forward port 7233 as well for connecting postgresql server with worker and run workflow and activities but connection is continously failing for port 7233 , It is working fine for temporal-web which is 8088 . Getting this error on port forwarding terminal
E0508 23:17:37.108069 43773 portforward.go:409] an error occurred forwarding 7233 → 7233: error forwarding port 7233 to pod 0ee47f5542d0ad9eaad6aac34b60d88d924d19c978ae50b1ef46f11e7c73bd5b, uid : exit status 1: 2023/05/08 17:47:37 socat[125072] E connect(5, AF=2, 16): Connection refused
Can anyone help and guide me regarding what should I do now ?