Don't receive activation email at account creation

I’ve register an account on Temporal Courses but not receiving anything about account activation email.

It says my account is inactive, can anyone help?

Hi Jun,

I just checked and it appears that your account is active. If you’re still having trouble accessing our training courses, please reply and I’ll work with you to resolve the problem.

—Tom Wheeler

I have the same issue.

I just set manually activated your account @Hwansoo_Lee. Please let me know if you continue to have trouble accessing the course.

I can log in now. Thanks a lot.

Hello! My apologies, I didn’t confirm my Temporal TalentLMS account on time, and now I can’t log in. Could you please resend the confirmation?

@marat, it appears that you are currently active, so perhaps you were able to activate the account on your own. If you’re still having problems, please let me know.

Unfortunately, no, I’m still getting an error when trying to log in, “Your account is inactive”.

Hi Marat, there was another user account in our system with a similar username to yours. I have just set your account to active, after verifying that it’s associated with the same e-mail address as the one you’re using here, and am confident that you’ll be able to log in now.

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Hi Tom! I have successfully logged in, thank you!

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Hi Tom,

I’m having the same issue. Would you mind take a look when you get a chance?

Thank you.

@dingliu There was a typo in the email address you used to sign up, so I corrected it to match the one you’re using for I then set your LMS account to Active, so you should be able to log in now.

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@tomwheeler Hey tom, I try to sign in Temporal courses using google SSO but it says account inactive. However if I try to sign up it says the email is already used

Hi @okes,

There was a record for you in our learning management system, but it was set to inactive. This can happen if you don’t click the verification email when setting up a new account or if you had an active account but haven’t logged into it for a while.

I set your account to active just now, so you should be able to log in. Let me know if you have trouble and I’ll help. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy the training.



I am also getting message that my account is not active when I try to login using my google account

@Parag_Mirkar I just set your account to active. Please let me know if you have trouble logging in.

Hi Tom

I am getting message that my account is not active when I try to login using my google account. The Activation link was expired for me. Can you please have a look into my account?


Hi, I’ve just manually activated your account. You should be able to log in now, but please let me know if you have trouble.

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can anyone help Iam unable to login to temporal page ,while clicking confirm account link its saying as link expired how can I resolve this issue?

Sayyad, I have manually activated your account. You should be able to log in now, but please let me know if you have trouble.