We introduced Temporal into our bussinuess system along with our administration web page.
Now I want to embed temporal UI into this admin page. What my requirement is:
temporal ui can configure a url prefix, then it is added to every temporal ui url, so temmporal ui requests would be distinced from those of our other apps.
for example:
the prefix is “temporal-ui”, then the url “/namespaces/default/workflows” becomes “temporal-ui/namespaces/default/workflows”
The urls with prefix “temporal-ui” would be identified and routed by nginx to the acutal temporal ui service.
I tried replacing the ‘src’ and ‘href’ paths in html files in a reverse proxy, but found that more paths appear in JS scripts. It is not an easy work in this way
Would you mind opening feature request in the web ui repo and add your url rewrite requirements please? I don’t think this feature exists out of the box currently.
I observe that we pass the the docker build args to an env. variable VITE_PUBLIC_PATH. Does that mean I can achieve the same result by setting value of VITE_PUBLIC_PATH in docker compose or k8s config file?
If so we do not need to build new images.
I tried this but it did not work
I wish we can make this happen, considering that building and managing images is a bit tedious, and it is not easy when we want to make the images work on different platforms .