What metrics do you guys recommend to use on the server side to monitor the server health?
Request Counts: Majority operation is poll request, so im not sure if i should use that as actual qps.
Error Counts, Latency?
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August 27, 2020, 5:57pm
There are quite a few posts on this topic:
Hey @rfwagner ,
This is a lengthy topic and we plan to provide more information on operationalizing Temporal clusters in the future. We recently started dashboard repo which has some basic dashboards which gives visibility into Temporal service. This is work in progress so please use this just as a reference at this point. In the future we plan to have fully supported version of grafana dashboards using PromQL.
All the metric emitted by server are listed in defs.go . So if you see somethings…
Hi, there is not much documentation around metrics, the statd which was removed too seemed very complex.
I want to to understand
a)what metrics does temporal expose by default
b) are the metrics namespace specific?
c) can i get queue /task list specific metrics?
d) how to consume them in prometheus.
e) if i am to develop custom metrics what’s the best way, should those be activities in workflows or interceptors?
Thank you I’ll follow up in one of those threads.