Read current cluster configuration

Hi, from where can I get the current running cluster configuration (both static and dynamic values) information?

I don’t see this information anywhere neither in Temporal UI nor Temporal CLI.

For example, in particular, when running “temporal server start-dev --dynamic-config-value …” on the command execution it’s not clear whether this value has been applied at all, and afterwards there is no way to query the cluster information as well.

“temporal operator cluster describe” gives only extremely minimal information:
ClusterName PersistenceStore VisibilityStore
active sqlite sqlite

It’s pretty basic basic and very important information. Is it currently missing?

when running “temporal server start-dev --dynamic-config-value …”

dev server you start via cli runs in-memory, if you run your server containerized (docker-compose/helm chart) you would be able to bash into your containers/pods and have full access to your generated static config and dynamic config (/etc/temporal/config).

It’s pretty basic basic and very important information

dont think api to get static/dynamic config exists. maybe you can open issue in cli repo Issues · temporalio/cli · GitHub and could also contribute it