Hi @Sandeep_Paul - those configs that you are talking about are for connecting the grafana deployed by our helm chart to the prometheus deployed by our helm chart.
If you want to bring your own prometheus and your own grafana you can make use of our dashboards but you’ll use your existing prometheus as datasource and configure your prometheus to scrape metrics in the namespace you have temporal deployed to.
Depending on how you have that set up, things to check include: prometheus is configured to scrape metrics in your temporal namespace, your RBAC settings allow prometheus to scrape metrics in your temporal namespace, and that any annotations you need on temporal deployments are set.
With prometheus operator there’s a note in our default values file about setting serviceMonitor to enabled which should create the required resources for you.
when using your own prom/grafana, install the helm chart with prometheus.enabled=false and grafana.enabled=false as well.