Can we use MariaDB for Temporal

Hi Team,

I would like to run temporal in AWS instance. Unfortunately I cannot use cassandra,elastic,postgress or elastic. Available DBs are Maria DB and Couchbase. Since MariaDB forked from mysql is it possible to use?I have tried to run in my machine and it’s works fine. Could some one please confirm

I too am curious about this. I noticed another article discussing a potential bug in performance between the two here but no one has responded. Can someone please confirm that there won’t be any issues or if there is actually a difference between using MySQL vs MariaDB

After some digging, and some troubleshooting, I have discovered the answer myself. Although, there are great similarities between MySQL and MariaDB, the roadblock occurs with the versioned updates. Some of the versioned updates include syntax that is specific MySQL and requires a workaround to execute the query. Currently, I only encountered this issue when applying versions for visibility, I had no issues applying updates for main temporal server so I was able to successfully apply all SQL updates from 1.0 - 1.14 with no issue there.

Unfortunately I was only able to get as far as 1.1 for visibility. The issue I encountered was with the JSON type. MySQL has native support for the JSON type and associated JSON functions while MariaDB does not. It requires some field changes in order to work.


  • Deployment method: Helm Charts (version 0.45.1)
  • MariaDB (version 10.11.3)

Note: This is just the first thing I found, there could definitely be other blockers I am not aware. I am just sharing this for the next person.

I’ve been experimenting with getting Temporal v1.14 to run with MariaDB 11 over the past few days (as we already have a HA MariaDB cluster so would prefer not to start maintaining another database cluster), and have got to the stage where I’ve been able to start Temporal and run a few of the example workflows - though there could be incompatibilities I haven’t discovered yet.

The first issues related to differences in the MariaDB and MySQL JSON implementation. The a->b alias MySQL provides for JSON_EXTRACT(a, b), and ->> for JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(a, b)) aren’t supported, so I updated these. The CAST(column AS CHAR(255) ARRAY used for indexing JSON columns also wasn’t supported, so I updated these to column(255).

Once all these occurrences were replaced, the last issue I encountered was relating to the COALESCE function usage for indexes on the executions_visibility close_time column. The best solution I found for this (virtual columns didn’t help) was to add a new column and set its value using triggers to be either the close_date, or if null, 9999-12-31 23:59:59.

This was enough to get things working for me - I manually applied this migration and then ran the Temporal binary. I’ve provided the migration I ran below as a starting point for anyone else who’s trying to test compatibility with MariaDB. There’s a chance that queries from Temporal could begin using unsupported MariaDB syntax in future updates, so manually modifying incompatible SQL migrations may not be enough to allow MariaDB compatibility in the long term.

Modified visibility schema
CREATE TABLE executions_visibility (
                                       namespace_id            CHAR(64)      NOT NULL,
                                       run_id                  CHAR(64)      NOT NULL,
                                       start_time              DATETIME(6)   NOT NULL,
                                       execution_time          DATETIME(6)   NOT NULL,
                                       workflow_id             VARCHAR(255)  NOT NULL,
                                       workflow_type_name      VARCHAR(255)  NOT NULL,
                                       status                  INT           NOT NULL,  -- enum WorkflowExecutionStatus {RUNNING, COMPLETED, FAILED, CANCELED, TERMINATED, CONTINUED_AS_NEW, TIMED_OUT}
                                       close_time              DATETIME(6)   NULL,
                                       history_length          BIGINT        NULL,
                                       history_size_bytes      BIGINT        NULL,
                                       execution_duration      BIGINT        NULL,
                                       state_transition_count  BIGINT        NULL,
                                       memo                    BLOB          NULL,
                                       encoding                VARCHAR(64)   NOT NULL,
                                       task_queue              VARCHAR(255)  NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
                                       search_attributes       JSON          NULL,
                                       parent_workflow_id      VARCHAR(255)  NULL,
                                       parent_run_id           VARCHAR(255)  NULL,
                                       root_workflow_id        VARCHAR(255)  NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
                                       root_run_id             VARCHAR(255)  NOT NULL DEFAULT '',

    -- Each search attribute has its own generated column.
    -- For string types (keyword and text), we need to unquote the json string,
    -- ie., use `->>` instead of `->` operator.
    -- For text types, the generated column need to be STORED instead of VIRTUAL,
    -- so we can create a full-text search index.
    -- For datetime type, MySQL can't cast datetime string with timezone to
    -- datetime type directly, so we need to call CONVERT_TZ to convert to UTC.
    -- Check the `custom_search_attributes` table for complete set of examples.

    -- Predefined search attributes
                                       TemporalChangeVersion         JSON          GENERATED ALWAYS AS (json_extract(search_attributes, '$.TemporalChangeVersion')),
                                       BinaryChecksums               JSON          GENERATED ALWAYS AS (json_extract(search_attributes, '$.BinaryChecksums')),
                                       BatcherUser                   VARCHAR(255)  GENERATED ALWAYS AS (json_unquote(json_extract(search_attributes, '$.BatcherUser'))),
                                       TemporalScheduledStartTime    DATETIME(6)   GENERATED ALWAYS AS (
                                                   REGEXP_REPLACE(json_unquote(json_extract(search_attributes, '$.TemporalScheduledStartTime')), 'Z|[+-][0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}$', ''),
                                                   SUBSTR(REPLACE(json_unquote(json_extract(search_attributes, '$.TemporalScheduledStartTime')), 'Z', '+00:00'), -6, 6),
                                       TemporalScheduledById         VARCHAR(255)  GENERATED ALWAYS AS (json_unquote(json_extract(search_attributes, '$.TemporalScheduledById'))),
                                       TemporalSchedulePaused        BOOLEAN       GENERATED ALWAYS AS (json_unquote(json_extract(search_attributes, '$.TemporalSchedulePaused'))),
                                       TemporalNamespaceDivision     VARCHAR(255)  GENERATED ALWAYS AS (json_unquote(json_extract(search_attributes, '$.TemporalNamespaceDivision'))),
                                       BuildIds                      JSON          GENERATED ALWAYS AS (json_unquote(json_extract(search_attributes, '$.BuildIds'))),

                                       PRIMARY KEY (namespace_id, run_id)

# coalesce / ifnull can't be used in virtual columns or indexes, so need to use triggers for handling normalising this
ALTER TABLE executions_visibility ADD COLUMN close_time_normalized DATETIME;


CREATE TRIGGER before_insert_executions_visibility
BEFORE INSERT ON executions_visibility
    IF NEW.close_time IS NULL THEN
        SET NEW.close_time_normalized = '9999-12-31 23:59:59';
        SET NEW.close_time_normalized = NEW.close_time;
    END IF;
END; //


CREATE TRIGGER before_update_executions_visibility
BEFORE UPDATE ON executions_visibility
    IF NEW.close_time IS NULL THEN
        SET NEW.close_time_normalized = '9999-12-31 23:59:59';
        SET NEW.close_time_normalized = NEW.close_time;
    END IF;

# end additions

CREATE INDEX default_idx                ON executions_visibility (namespace_id, close_time_normalized DESC, start_time DESC, run_id);
CREATE INDEX by_execution_time          ON executions_visibility (namespace_id, execution_time,         close_time_normalized DESC, start_time DESC, run_id);
CREATE INDEX by_workflow_id             ON executions_visibility (namespace_id, workflow_id,            close_time_normalized DESC, start_time DESC, run_id);
CREATE INDEX by_workflow_type           ON executions_visibility (namespace_id, workflow_type_name,     close_time_normalized DESC, start_time DESC, run_id);
CREATE INDEX by_status                  ON executions_visibility (namespace_id, status,                 close_time_normalized DESC, start_time DESC, run_id);
CREATE INDEX by_history_length          ON executions_visibility (namespace_id, history_length,         close_time_normalized DESC, start_time DESC, run_id);
CREATE INDEX by_history_size_bytes      ON executions_visibility (namespace_id, history_size_bytes,     close_time_normalized DESC, start_time DESC, run_id);
CREATE INDEX by_execution_duration      ON executions_visibility (namespace_id, execution_duration,     close_time_normalized DESC, start_time DESC, run_id);
CREATE INDEX by_state_transition_count  ON executions_visibility (namespace_id, state_transition_count, close_time_normalized DESC, start_time DESC, run_id);
CREATE INDEX by_task_queue              ON executions_visibility (namespace_id, task_queue,             close_time_normalized DESC, start_time DESC, run_id);
CREATE INDEX by_parent_workflow_id      ON executions_visibility (namespace_id, parent_workflow_id,     close_time_normalized DESC, start_time DESC, run_id);
CREATE INDEX by_parent_run_id           ON executions_visibility (namespace_id, parent_run_id,          close_time_normalized DESC, start_time DESC, run_id);
CREATE INDEX by_root_workflow_id        ON executions_visibility (namespace_id, root_workflow_id,       close_time_normalized DESC, start_time DESC, run_id);
CREATE INDEX by_root_run_id             ON executions_visibility (namespace_id, root_run_id,            close_time_normalized DESC, start_time DESC, run_id);

-- Indexes for the predefined search attributes

CREATE INDEX by_temporal_change_version       ON executions_visibility (namespace_id, TemporalChangeVersion(255), close_time_normalized DESC, start_time DESC, run_id);
CREATE INDEX by_binary_checksums              ON executions_visibility (namespace_id, BinaryChecksums(255),       close_time_normalized DESC, start_time DESC, run_id);
CREATE INDEX by_build_ids                     ON executions_visibility (namespace_id, BuildIds(255),              close_time_normalized DESC, start_time DESC, run_id);
CREATE INDEX by_batcher_user                  ON executions_visibility (namespace_id, BatcherUser,                close_time_normalized DESC, start_time DESC, run_id);
CREATE INDEX by_temporal_scheduled_start_time ON executions_visibility (namespace_id, TemporalScheduledStartTime, close_time_normalized DESC, start_time DESC, run_id);
CREATE INDEX by_temporal_scheduled_by_id      ON executions_visibility (namespace_id, TemporalScheduledById,      close_time_normalized DESC, start_time DESC, run_id);
CREATE INDEX by_temporal_schedule_paused      ON executions_visibility (namespace_id, TemporalSchedulePaused,     close_time_normalized DESC, start_time DESC, run_id);
CREATE INDEX by_temporal_namespace_division   ON executions_visibility (namespace_id, TemporalNamespaceDivision,  close_time_normalized DESC, start_time DESC, run_id);

CREATE TABLE custom_search_attributes (
                                          namespace_id      CHAR(64)  NOT NULL,
                                          run_id            CHAR(64)  NOT NULL,
                                          search_attributes JSON      NULL,
                                          Bool01            BOOLEAN         GENERATED ALWAYS AS (json_extract(search_attributes, '$.Bool01')),
                                          Bool02            BOOLEAN         GENERATED ALWAYS AS (json_extract(search_attributes, '$.Bool02')),
                                          Bool03            BOOLEAN         GENERATED ALWAYS AS (json_extract(search_attributes, '$.Bool03')),
                                          Datetime01        DATETIME(6)     GENERATED ALWAYS AS (
                                                      REGEXP_REPLACE(json_unquote(json_extract(search_attributes, '$.Datetime01')), 'Z|[+-][0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}$', ''),
                                                      SUBSTR(REPLACE(json_unquote(json_extract(search_attributes, '$.Datetime01')), 'Z', '+00:00'), -6, 6),
                                          Datetime02        DATETIME(6)     GENERATED ALWAYS AS (
                                                      REGEXP_REPLACE(json_unquote(json_extract(search_attributes, '$.Datetime02')), 'Z|[+-][0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}$', ''),
                                                      SUBSTR(REPLACE(json_unquote(json_extract(search_attributes, '$.Datetime02')), 'Z', '+00:00'), -6, 6),
                                          Datetime03        DATETIME(6)     GENERATED ALWAYS AS (
                                                      REGEXP_REPLACE(json_unquote(json_extract(search_attributes, '$.Datetime03')), 'Z|[+-][0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}$', ''),
                                                      SUBSTR(REPLACE(json_unquote(json_extract(search_attributes, '$.Datetime03')), 'Z', '+00:00'), -6, 6),
                                          Double01          DECIMAL(20, 5)  GENERATED ALWAYS AS (json_extract(search_attributes, '$.Double01')),
                                          Double02          DECIMAL(20, 5)  GENERATED ALWAYS AS (json_extract(search_attributes, '$.Double02')),
                                          Double03          DECIMAL(20, 5)  GENERATED ALWAYS AS (json_extract(search_attributes, '$.Double03')),
                                          Int01             BIGINT          GENERATED ALWAYS AS (json_extract(search_attributes, '$.Int01')),
                                          Int02             BIGINT          GENERATED ALWAYS AS (json_extract(search_attributes, '$.Int02')),
                                          Int03             BIGINT          GENERATED ALWAYS AS (json_extract(search_attributes, '$.Int03')),
                                          Keyword01         VARCHAR(255)    GENERATED ALWAYS AS (json_extract(search_attributes, '$.Keyword01')),
                                          Keyword02         VARCHAR(255)    GENERATED ALWAYS AS (json_extract(search_attributes, '$.Keyword02')),
                                          Keyword03         VARCHAR(255)    GENERATED ALWAYS AS (json_extract(search_attributes, '$.Keyword03')),
                                          Keyword04         VARCHAR(255)    GENERATED ALWAYS AS (json_extract(search_attributes, '$.Keyword04')),
                                          Keyword05         VARCHAR(255)    GENERATED ALWAYS AS (json_extract(search_attributes, '$.Keyword05')),
                                          Keyword06         VARCHAR(255)    GENERATED ALWAYS AS (json_extract(search_attributes, '$.Keyword06')),
                                          Keyword07         VARCHAR(255)    GENERATED ALWAYS AS (json_extract(search_attributes, '$.Keyword07')),
                                          Keyword08         VARCHAR(255)    GENERATED ALWAYS AS (json_extract(search_attributes, '$.Keyword08')),
                                          Keyword09         VARCHAR(255)    GENERATED ALWAYS AS (json_extract(search_attributes, '$.Keyword09')),
                                          Keyword10         VARCHAR(255)    GENERATED ALWAYS AS (json_extract(search_attributes, '$.Keyword10')),
                                          Text01            TEXT            GENERATED ALWAYS AS (json_extract(search_attributes, '$.Text01')) STORED,
                                          Text02            TEXT            GENERATED ALWAYS AS (json_extract(search_attributes, '$.Text02')) STORED,
                                          Text03            TEXT            GENERATED ALWAYS AS (json_extract(search_attributes, '$.Text03')) STORED,
                                          KeywordList01     JSON            GENERATED ALWAYS AS (json_extract(search_attributes, '$.KeywordList01')),
                                          KeywordList02     JSON            GENERATED ALWAYS AS (json_extract(search_attributes, '$.KeywordList02')),
                                          KeywordList03     JSON            GENERATED ALWAYS AS (json_extract(search_attributes, '$.KeywordList03')),

                                          PRIMARY KEY (namespace_id, run_id)

CREATE INDEX by_bool_01           ON custom_search_attributes (namespace_id, Bool01);
CREATE INDEX by_bool_02           ON custom_search_attributes (namespace_id, Bool02);
CREATE INDEX by_bool_03           ON custom_search_attributes (namespace_id, Bool03);
CREATE INDEX by_datetime_01       ON custom_search_attributes (namespace_id, Datetime01);
CREATE INDEX by_datetime_02       ON custom_search_attributes (namespace_id, Datetime02);
CREATE INDEX by_datetime_03       ON custom_search_attributes (namespace_id, Datetime03);
CREATE INDEX by_double_01         ON custom_search_attributes (namespace_id, Double01);
CREATE INDEX by_double_02         ON custom_search_attributes (namespace_id, Double02);
CREATE INDEX by_double_03         ON custom_search_attributes (namespace_id, Double03);
CREATE INDEX by_int_01            ON custom_search_attributes (namespace_id, Int01);
CREATE INDEX by_int_02            ON custom_search_attributes (namespace_id, Int02);
CREATE INDEX by_int_03            ON custom_search_attributes (namespace_id, Int03);
CREATE INDEX by_keyword_01        ON custom_search_attributes (namespace_id, Keyword01);
CREATE INDEX by_keyword_02        ON custom_search_attributes (namespace_id, Keyword02);
CREATE INDEX by_keyword_03        ON custom_search_attributes (namespace_id, Keyword03);
CREATE INDEX by_keyword_04        ON custom_search_attributes (namespace_id, Keyword04);
CREATE INDEX by_keyword_05        ON custom_search_attributes (namespace_id, Keyword05);
CREATE INDEX by_keyword_06        ON custom_search_attributes (namespace_id, Keyword06);
CREATE INDEX by_keyword_07        ON custom_search_attributes (namespace_id, Keyword07);
CREATE INDEX by_keyword_08        ON custom_search_attributes (namespace_id, Keyword08);
CREATE INDEX by_keyword_09        ON custom_search_attributes (namespace_id, Keyword09);
CREATE INDEX by_keyword_10        ON custom_search_attributes (namespace_id, Keyword10);
CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX by_text_01  ON custom_search_attributes (Text01);
CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX by_text_02  ON custom_search_attributes (Text02);
CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX by_text_03  ON custom_search_attributes (Text03);
CREATE INDEX by_keyword_list_01 ON custom_search_attributes (namespace_id, KeywordList01(255));
CREATE INDEX by_keyword_list_02 ON custom_search_attributes (namespace_id, KeywordList02(255));
CREATE INDEX by_keyword_list_03 ON custom_search_attributes (namespace_id, KeywordList03(255));

I had an error relating to the schema_version table missing, and just manually created this afterwards:

CREATE TABLE `schema_version` (   `version_partition` int(11) NOT NULL,   `db_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,   `creation_time` datetime(6) DEFAULT NULL,
 `curr_version` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,   `min_compatible_version` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,   PRIMARY KEY (`version_partition`,`db_name`));
INSERT INTO schema_version VALUES (0, DATABASE(), NOW(), '1.14', '1.14');