Embed the Temporal Server in a Go application

Is there an option to embed the temporal server in a distributed Go application (e.g. one built with Wails.io or a distributed headless agent)? In this scenario, both the workflows and server would be distributed and run on a single standalone server written in Go.

I’ve read through some of the Temporal CLI which utilizes a devserver with a SQLite backend and this appears close to what I’m looking for. However, it looks like it still requires adding workflows over gRPC rather than completely embedded in an application. Is it possible to add workflows through function calls directly to an embedded server?

I am new to Temporal and brainstorming architecture, perhaps I am thinking about Temporal’s use in a wrong way.

It looks like this is a possible duplication of Packaging temporal server and client in a standalone-application, but I believe this question remains unanswered.

After poking around and without a reply here, I have to assume this isn’t possible or isn’t supported. Thanks.

Edit: Here’s is an open issue related to this request: Support embedded version of the service · Issue #298 · temporalio/temporal · GitHub