I’m facing issues with setting up Archival with s3, though i’m half way there.
user@TM00102 ~ % tctl -ns benchtest n desc
Name: benchtest
Id: 7029315a-7234-4b99-873d-2ad64363a9b7
NamespaceData: map[string]string(nil)
State: Registered
Retention: 1h0m0s
ActiveClusterName: active
Clusters: active
HistoryArchivalState: Enabled
IsGlobalNamespace: false
FailoverVersion: 0
FailoverHistory: []
HistoryArchivalURI: s3://dev-test-bucket-123
VisibilityArchivalState: Enabled
VisibilityArchivalURI: s3://dev-test-bucket-123
Bad binaries to reset:
Archival is enabled for history and Visibility, We are able to view the list of archived workflows in web UI and in the s3 - we are able to see the actual data in the bucket with key as /<namespace_id>/<Worklow_id>/<run_id>/0/0.
Content in the file ‘0’ is not encrypted and i’m able to read it, only payload data is encoded.
I’m also able to view the same data using tctl workflow show --Worklow_id <Worklow_id> --run_id <run_id> for archived workflow as well.
The problem is
(1) We are getting error " 404 This is not the Workflow you are looking for" when trying to access the history data of archived workflow in UI.
the tab and URL is moved from /archival to /workflow/<Workflow_id>/<run_id> upon selecting a workflow from archived workflows.
(2) I’m not able to list archived workflow using “tctl workflow listarchived” command.
''tctl workflow listarchived
Error: Option query is required""
What is the query we have pass here, i see ‘SQL like query’ in help. can someone share some examples for this.
(3) Major confusion is Workflow data is present in S3, list of workflows are accessible via UI but not their history data, workflow show works for archived data while listarchived is not. How do we debug if archival is working, is it using “workflow show or workflow listarchived” command ?
can someone sort this out, i see few others are facing this issue and they are using older version because of this.
i’m using 1.25.2 for server and 2.31.2 for UI.