Scheduled workflow is failing with below error → ```
Failed to initialize workflow of type ‘example’: no such function is exported by the workflow bundle
Could some one help us? Also is there a way we can also store the payload as part of the scheduled workflow
The following error happens when you invoke a workflow with the name example
and don’t export a function named example
from your workflowsPath
Failed to initialize workflow of type ‘example’: no such function is exported by the workflow bundle
What do you mean by “store the payload”? The payload is stored as part of the workflow execution history if you need to access it externally for whatever reason.
Is there a way we can also store the payload required for workflow while scheduling the workflow?
I have the same error:
TypeError: Failed to initialize workflow of type 'example': no such function is exported by the workflow bundle
My workflows.ts file exports the function with such name.
Could the cause of the problem be that my tsconfig has “target” set to “es2017” in “compilerOptions”?