Today I have taken the latest code from the ui-server and deployed the application.
When I select the workflow, it doesn’t show the summary / history.
What could be cause the issue?
https://dashboard-asyncworkflow-poc.apps.mt-d1.carl.gkp.jpmchase.net/api/v1/namespaces/109727_noha_jpm/workflows/Test-100/runs/5f079f88-1664-4452-8469-ff3dd0994550/events/reverse ?
“code”: 12,
“message”: “unknown method GetWorkflowExecutionHistoryReverse for service temporal.api.workflowservice.v1.WorkflowService”,
“details”: [
Looking into this,
What is your Temporal Server version?
Temporal Server Version: 1.15.2
June 6, 2022, 10:12pm
currently the UI requires Temporal v1.16+ which adds reverse history API for the UI